It was a challenge we relished when a ninety year-old phone book came to us wanting to create a new presence for themselves in the digital world. Our goal was to refresh the Pagina Gialle brand identity by giving it a clear sense of nowness without sacrificing the local identity that makes it an iconic brand.
70% of businesses in Italy are family owned. Beyond being a record of phone numbers and addresses, the Yellow Pages tell the story of Italy’s families. It’s the DNA of their economy and it’s deeply personal. We wanted to reflect the power and authenticity of those human voices while bringing a modern visual language to the company’s new digital offerings.
More than just a new look, we helped evolve the way people interacted with the company in the Google era. That included an irreverent approach to social media strategy in which questions like, ‘Looking for sex tonight?’ were answered with locally targeted flower shops, jewelry stores and romantic restaurants.